Yesterday we had our first "Mommy & Me" sign language class. It was fun! Right before we were ready to leave, MacKenzie was in her high chair because she had just had her cereal. As I was just about to pick her up and head out the door, she signed "more" and then "milk"! The very first time she asked for milk, unsolicited! So I made her a little bottle and I was sure we would be late. Somehow, all of the traffic and stop lights were on our side, and we got there just in time. We weren't even the last ones to class!
Class was a lot like a play date, with instruction. MacKenzie was the oldest one in class! We sang songs and signed them, the kids played (and some cried...), and the Mommies chased the babies all over the classroom! All in all, it was wonderful. MacKenzie showed the class that she could ask for "more" when we were playing with bubbles! Was I ever proud! All the Moms oohed and aahed over it!
We spent the rest of the day on a Mommy/Daughter date. We went shopping and out for lunch. It was fun! She wore her pumpkin hat and got lots of comments on it!

Then we went home and made dinner for Daddy and we all ate together. MacKenzie used her toddler fork for the first time and she actually got some mashed potatoes in her mouth! She didn't get them ALL in...she rubbed quite a lot in her hair and on her she had a bath before bedtime. Boy, does that cast iron tub get cold in the cooler weather!
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