Well, now it's official! I am blogging about my baby, MacKenzie! I had been keeping a journal of her "firsts" and then we cleaned and rearranged the bedroom, and I can't find it. So, after a couple of months of no journaling, I am feeling that I need to document her "firsts" again, both for my sake, and for posterity to pass on to her children, if she becomes a mommy some day.
Today was a banner day for MacKenzie! She is exactly 10 months old. She was born on Halloween in 2009. My little pumpkin! She's not so little any more. She is almost walking! She walks behind one of her toys and pushes it along without any help from us now. She did take one little step tonight, unassisted...what a big girl she is!
She also had her first snack that she could hold in her hand and take bites out of. Up until today, I have been giving her little bite sized pieces. I bought her some puffed snacks from Gerber that are kind of like cheese curls. She did great with them, taking little bites off the end of them, and when she got a bite that was too big, she scooped it out of her mouth with her fingers!
She emptied almost all of her books out of the book basket onto the floor. She did put one back in when Mommy asked her to, but just ONE! I showed her how to put the rest back in...we'll see if that really catches on or not!
She also broke her first "thing" today. And it begins. She dropped Victoria's phone on the floor. I didn't know she had it...Victoria had given it to her to play with...ahh, well, I am sure there will be more things to be broken in her/our future!
She was so tired after all of that work today. She had quite the temper tantrum when I had to go downstairs to fix her bedtime bottle! Mommy kept her cool, and when MacKenzie calmed down a bit, we went to the bathroom to wash her face and regroup. MacKenzie is NOT a big fan of the face-washing, but we washed it anyway. Then Mommy washed her face. MacKenzie thought it was interesting that Mommy WANTED her face washed. I offered to wash her face again, and she was happy and smiling and leaned in to get it done. It made her giggle, so we washed Mommy's face again...and she helped! Crisis averted!
She's having a rough time staying asleep now, however. She had a bottle and then fell asleep, but she is a little restless. This week, we found out that MacKenzie likes to listen to whale songs, so I put them on for her tonight. She responds so well to that! A few nights ago, she was teething. No new teeth popped out yet, but she had a little fever, was restless and her cheeks were rosy. And the DROOL!
Tomorrow is another big day...our first playdate with Christian and Kaylee! We are going over to our neighbors' house to play with their grandchildren. Kaylee is only 3 months old, and Christian is turning 2 this month. We are going to swing and play in the backyard.
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