Thursday, February 10, 2011


Well, MacKenzie now has lots of opinions, now that she can nod yes and no! Today I asked her if she wanted eggs for lunch, because that's what I always do..."ok, it's time for you want some eggies?" Needless to say, we didn't have eggs today! I changed my tactics and said "ok, I'm going to make some soup for lunch!" We had a lovely lunch, and now, Momma has learned her lesson.

MacKenzie is now tall enough to hold my hand and the handrail and walk down the steps like a big girl! She is 15 months old, and is wearing 2T clothing. Whew! It's hard to keep up with her growth spurts! She grew 2 inches between 12 & 15 months. She only has one pair of pink shoes that fits her perfectly...her boots are WAY too big and fall off when you pick her up, and her lavender fairy Robeez are still a little too big. She can wear both of them, but they are not ideal. Maybe shoe shopping is in our future this weekend!